March 11, 2012

WIP Orang-utan

Arches smooth watercolor paper. 

Andrew  asked me how much of the full sheets of Arches paper did the Orang-utan take up.  Here is the actual take up space on the surface.   The Orang-utans hair will cover as much on the left as I have done on the right. The hand and more hair will leave a border at the bottom the same as the top.   
Hope this gives an indication of the size.   

Andrew also said " It is either a young juvenile or a female. The males have the ginormous pads of fat on there face.
      Thank you for the info much appreciated.  


Colette Theriault said...

This is so soft looking Dors; she looks so gentle and content.

Anonymous said...

I still can't imagine working so large! That would be very close to life-size I would think.

Unknown said...

Thank you Colette. I Love this Orang-utan. Getting quite attached here. LOL.

Unknown said...

Anonymous. Thank you for your comment. Please leave your name so I can than you in person.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking interest in my work. I do appreciate it very much.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Dors, It's just me, Jan. I've kinda quit signing into Blogger since they've changed their privacy policy but can't quit checking out my favorite blogs!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jan. Nice to know you are here. Hugs. xx

Linda said...

Such skill, you are an inspiration and a source of joy, love your work.

Unknown said...

Oh Linda what a lovely comment and thank you so much. I am so glad you love my work. You made my day. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Dors

Ariel said...

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Me sentí tan devastado cuando mi negocio estaba cayendo debido a la situación financiera hasta que encontré al Sr. Pedro y el sitio web de su compañía de préstamos en funcionamiento, luego los contacté por correo electrónico:  y Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339 y luego me dieron un términos y condiciones sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos, estaba contento porque estaban dispuestos a financiar mi negocio con la cantidad de 86.000,00 libras con un reembolso del préstamo del 2% de rendimiento anual para expandir mi negocio. Todo el proceso fue muy transparente y rápido. Gracias.
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