June 02, 2010

Deer WIP #2

Got the rough work done ... Ready to do detail on the Deer coat and the grass. Tweak the face.
As you can see i work all over the place.  I try to keep to one area at a time but it never works for me.
i think I like to get an over all picture then work on the details. 
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Gary Keimig said...

really coming along nice. Love the softness of it. She looks as though she could come right out off the page for a visit.

Teresa said...

This is beautiful, Dors! I'm always amazed at your work... the softness of fur, the depth in the eyes.... even her nose looks shiny/wet! Great work :-)

Lene Daugaard said...

the deer looks beautiful, nice dark eyes and nose ;)
I think each and everyone find their favorite way to draw. Trying out different methods are great, and then accept the way you work the best. Even the very best of artists will work differently, there is not one and only truth about it...

Autumn Leaves said...

Gorgeous and more gorgeous! How do you keep from smearing the graphite, Dors? Every single time I work in pencil, even using a sheet of clean paper between my hand and the piece, I end up with smears of graphite. Your work is so clean and so precise that I am just in awe!

Unknown said...

Gary. Thank you for popping in and such a lovely comment. :) I have been busy with organizing thin gs for the new house. But i will get over to your site and see what's happening there.

Teresa. Thank you so much for your kind comment.

Lene. Thanks so much I know you are right there.. We do all have our techniques and methods of how we create. It's good to find our own way or creating our art. Comforts the word. Thanks Lene. :)

Sherry. Thank you so much for your lovely comment.
I do make a mess with graphite. A tip: I roll my kneaded eraser like a sausage and roll it around the paper (avoid touching the drawing) It takes off the smudges and any bits created from the Electric eraser. I do use a sheet of paper under my hand which helps too. I use a cosmetic brush to also keep the paper clear of any bits.
Hope this is useful. :)

jsicignano2.blogspot.com said...

Hi Dors,

Another great piece in the works. I love seeing the process and I am learning a great deal from your posts. Have a wonderful day.


Gail H. Ragsdale said...

This is going to be a beauty! I love to see how others work a piece. I'm more of one to do an area then move on

Unknown said...

Joan. Thank you so much for your kind comment. It's great the way we learn from each other. It's great the way we bloggers come together and help each other. I love the friendship.

Gail. Thank you for you comment. I also love to see how other artists work and their techniques.