November 15, 2010

Koala WIP 3

Good news... My Carpal Tunnel is a lot pain. I am moving along now with Cutie. still lots to do on the lower limbs of the Koala and the paws. Lots yet on the back ground. I should have it finished by the end of the week.
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Pat said...

Glad to hear your Carpal Tunnel is not giving you any pain.
The koala is looking gorgeous xx

Gretchen Bjornson ART said...

Very, very nice. I love the green in the leaves. My mom suffered from Carpal Tunnel....not fun.

Booklinks said...

Very beautiful Dors. The eyes are so wonderful!

m1 Designs said...

Oh he is going to be a stunning addition to your wildlife drawings. Way to go!!!

Barbara A. Freeman said...

Another beauty Dors. Glad you are doing better! You need your hands to create your magic!

Unknown said...

Thank you all so much. My hand is so much better now..Hope it stays that way. fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

I must have missed the blog about your carpal tunnel Dors - I am so sorry, but glad to know it is better for now. It can be such a hindrence!!! Every time you do a drawing of an animal, I feel I want to reach out and give them a big hug. They always look so endearing and touchable, and this gorgeous little guy is no exception. Love the green leaf!!! :)

Wendy Mould AFCA said...

Sorry to hear you suffer from carpal tunnel. I missed your blog on that. I have to really watch my right hand as well. I use a timer when I draw so my drawing sessions don't get too long and then break and do other things. I find that really helps to keep my wrist healthy and happy.

Unknown said...

Thank you Karen for your lovely comment. I am so pleased you like it.

Thank you Wendy. I am sorry to hear you also suffer from Carpel tunnel. Thank you for the tip re regular breaks.

I don't know what I would do if I couldn't draw. don't want to even think about that.

Colette Theriault said...

Glad to hear your wrist is getting better..I get that too from time to time and it's no fun. I can't wait to see the koala finished. He's looking so soft and huggable!

Jan said...

He's your signature trademark "softy", Dors! Beautifully done and just so touchable looking.

Glad you're doing better with your hand as I can't wait to see this finished.

Lene Daugaard said...

Dors - he's just awesome ;) Brilliant pencilwork